Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat" Stowarzyszenie "Jeden Świat"

Stowarzyszenie „Jeden Świat” działa w Poznaniu od 1994 r. i jest polskim oddziałem międzynarodowej organizacji Service Civil International (SCI).


Wierzymy, że wszyscy ludzie mogą żyć razem w atmosferze wzajemnego zrozumienia i rozwiązywać konflikty bez uciekania się do przemocy.


Nasze główne działania:

  • międzynarodowy wolontariat krótkoterminowy (tzw. workcampy),
  • projekty wolontariatu długoterminowego,
  • programy edukacji globalnej,
  • warsztaty, szkolenia, pokazy filmów, widowiska narracyjno-muzyczne i inne działania kulturalne,
  • publikacje i materiały edukacyjne.


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To międzynarodowy projekt wolontariacki, w czasie którego kilku - kilkunastu wolontariuszy z różnych krajów pracuje na rzecz społeczności lokalnej i/lub organizacji pozarządowych oraz spędza razem czas w wielokulturowym środowisku.

Przejdź do wyszukiwarki workcampów:


Wolontariat długoterminowy

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Stowarzyszenie „Jeden Świat” umożliwia zmotywowanym i żądnym przygód osobom wyjazd na wolontariat długoterminowy. Pod hasłem „wolontariat długoterminowy” rozumiemy wyjazdy trwające od 2 do 12 miesięcy, podczas których wolontariusz pracuje w organizacji goszczącej, wspierając jej bieżącą działalność, a także realizując własne pomysły i inicjatywy.

Stowarzyszenie „Jeden Świat” wysyła na wolontariat długoterminowy w ramach dwóch programów:

Azafady Azafady

Who we are

Azafady is an award-winning British registered charity (number 1079121) partnered with an independent Malagasy NGO. Founded in 1994, we work on a wide range of projects both within the town of Fort Dauphin and with numerous rural communities across the Anosy region.

Our mission is to alleviate poverty and conserve unique and biologically rich but greatly endangered forest environments in south east Madagascar by empowering some of the poorest people to establish sustainable livelihoods for themselves and improve their well-being.

We are proud to be able to say that 87% of all our donations go directly to support our charitable aims and we constantly work to ensure that our administrative costs are kept as low as possible.

Azafady UK and ONG Azafady (Madagascar) have been working together as sister organisations for over 12 years in a skills-sharing partnership that has capacity building at its core. Azafady UK employs 3 staff members in the London office who are responsible for strategic planning and financial management, awareness raising and fundraising, and promoting Azafady's international volunteering schemes. ONG Azafady (Madagascar) employs over 65 local staff members who are responsible for the development, design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all of Azafady's projects on the ground in Madagascar. Azafady UK also employs 5 staff members who are based in Madagascar and are responsible for building the capacity of local staff, supporting project development, and coordinating Azafady's international volunteering schemes. Azafady has several specialist volunteers who are based both in the UK and Madagascar, supporting the organisation through sharing their particular skills in different areas including proposal writing, research techniques, monitoring methodologies, information storage systems, data analysis, evaluation and reporting, media and communications.

What do we do?

We are a sustainable development and conservation organisation that works for a better future for people, communities, and the environments in which they live in south east Madagascar.

Our approach

Our approach is one of partnership with local communities as we work to alleviate poverty and support environmental conservation. Our integrated sustainable development initiatives support some of the world's most vulnerable people in threatened and irreplaceable environments.

A malagasy mother holds up her child

All of our projects are sensitively built around what are directly expressed to be the most pressing needs of marginalised communities. We have over 12 years of project experience in south east Madagascar and during this time have developed strong working relationships with the local population, maximising their participation in all stages of project development, design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Azafady is a recognised regional specialist in capacity building at the community level (empowerment, information, education and training, advocacy) and it is estimated that over 100,000 people have benefited from our projects over the last decade.

Our Goals

Azafady works to assist the people of Madagascar to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). We do this by responding to the most critical needs of communities in the Anosy region so as to contribute to achievement of the government's regional objectives and targets in the fields of community healtheducationsustainable livelihoods, and environmental conservation.